Friday, October 22, 2010


Wooden heel from Charles and Keith

$16.90 for this shoe :D the original price was around $60 something if I'm not mistaken. See you need to buy expensive things to look cute. ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Heidi Heel from Rubi

This cute sandal is only $5 SGD :)
The original price was $39.95 SGD and I bought it yesterday for $5 :D isn't that awesome... If you don't know me, I'm a HUGE fan of cute cheap stuff. Why you pay more while you can pay less for cute stuff. Hohoho.. ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ


...... waiting for my new post via mobile phone to appear in my page.......

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pics from Friendster | me and my friends :)

These are some pictures from my friendster account :)
These pictures were taken around 3 years ago. Old stuff but good stuff, it is always good to see something from my past as memories that i can always have :)

ps. the charcoal picture, the orange candle and the keyboard are gift pictures [i didn't own them] :) and i didn't make them - it's so obvious that i can not make something like that :P


Friday, October 15, 2010


I was taking pictures for my friends' project. It was about brand advertisement for Nudie Jeans. Here's one of the pictures :)

Models: Inez Irawady, Mamenk, Ryan
Place: Cairnhill Rise
Tittle: The Morning After

Si Jeruk

This creature is not a fruit.

It is Si Jeruk.

I don't know whether it is a he or a she, but it companied me for more than a year in my previous office. It was born on the first month when I worked there.

It is no longer exist. When I left the office, it also left my desk, it was around a year and a half ago.

But just now, I hear it whispers

"Erma, since you are not the captain of the ship, I think it is better for you to leave the ship before it is sinking."

"but one day if you have your own ship, you need to stay no matter what. ok?"

OOOoo Si Jeruk... how i miss you... oOoOOoo....